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Microbiological Analysis

Microbiological Analysis

The food microbiology laboratory has accreditation to (lSO/IEC17025:2005) for 11 microbiological methods. This was granted by the South Africa National Accreditation System (SANAS)

Accredited Microbiological tests are:


  • Enumeration of yeasts and moulds. ISO 7954.1987 (E)
  • Detection and enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli. -Most Probable NumberTechnique ISO 72512005 (E).
  • Detection of Salmonella, NMKL No. 71.1999, 5th Ed. Method. AOAC 920.39C (2000)
  • Coliform bacteria detection in food NMKL No.44, 2004 6th Ed.
  • Determination ofBacillus cereus in food NMLK N. 67, 2003 5th Ed
  • Determination of aerobic microorganisms in foods at 30 C NMKL No.86, 2006, 4th Ed.
  • Thermo-tolerant coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli Enumeration in food and feed NMKL No. 125,2005 4th Ed.
  • Enterococcus determination in food. NMKL No.68, 20044th Ed.
  • Aerobic microorganisms and presumptive NMKL No.5,2001 5th Ed.
  • Enterobacteriae-Enumeration on surfaces and utensils aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in canned food NMKL No. 59,2004 3th Ed.
  • Enumeration of coagulate positive Staphylococcus aureus in food. NMKL No. 66,2003

Microbiology analyses cover the:

  • Quality control of raw materials, intermediate and finished products
  • Determination of indicator organisms, pathogenic micro-organisms such as Salmonella and Vibrio and specific spoilage organisms
  • Identification of bacteria, yeasts and moulds
  • Testing for sterility & the Evaluation of efficacy of disinfectants in food hygiene

Our food microbiology laboratory is equipped with modern instruments such as: 2 and 5 litre fermentor, Freezer dryer, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine, Denaturing Gradient Gel Equipment (DGGE), Pulse field Gel Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis.

Microbiological Analysis Price List

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Food Research Institute is located Adjacent to Ghana Standards Authority, Near Gulf House, Tetteh Quarshie Interchange, Accra, Ghana. We are open to the general public from Monday to Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm, excluding holidays. If you need any additional information or have a question, please contact us on 0302-962068/+233-243302980 or email us at info@foodresearchgh.org or director@foodresearchgh.org.

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