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Project Background

The project, titled “Sawdust for mushroom cultivation in Ayum Forest area, Brong-Ahafo region” was funded by the Australian High Commission in Accra through the Direct Aid Program (DAP) with co-funding from CSIR – FRI. The running title of the project was Australian Direct Aid Mushroom Project (Aus-DAMP).

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The Directory of Female Senior Members in CSIR was an initiative of the Deputy Director General of the CSIR (DDG), Prof. (Mrs) RoseEmma Mamaa Entsuah- Mensah (FGA). This initiative commenced in 2010 with a workshop held for all senior female members of the CSIR to explore ways of improving their output and create a platform for networking, and followed up with a circulation of a template designed by the authors of the Directory for completion by the senior members within CSIR. Upon completion of the Directory, it was understood that such an important document which would support the visibility and networking of female seniors members deserved to be properly launched.

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